Monday, December 13, 2010


Pleasant and precious is the Lord and His Name is above all other names. He is to be praised for He is your life and meaning and purpose for living. Without Him everything is but an existence. Nothing seems to have any meaning. Whatever purpose you have is just for now and will pass. However in Him all you do is for eternity and with this purpose in mind you lead your life. His purpose becomes your purpose. Live with this mission that your only reason for living is to fulfil His purposes. In this way life will never be a bore but a mission for life. His will becomes your will and He will work through you. When His life flows through you then His energy will propel you. Everything becomes an adventure in Him. This is where faith comes in to help you to believe and not doubt because you are on His mission. His mission is for life eternal and not just for this life. What a purpose and what a mission for the lost. A man who finds Him finds gold that will never perish. What is precious on earth is nothing compared to His riches in heaven.

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