Monday, December 27, 2010


God has made you the way you are and He has a purpose for this. It is not surprising to see how others who are different will see you differently. This is how each is made for a purpose. So don’t resist them but accept their difference. In this way you will not waste your energy in changing them but learn from their different ways. God is a God of variety just as the birds of the field and snakes in the grass. Each is made different and once you accept the difference then you will work on how you can capitalise on the difference. Be content on who you are then you can accept others for who they are. Difference is what makes life beautiful. Love is the glue that keeps the difference together. Without love only separation is possible. This is why what the world needs more then anything is love. Love gives and does not count the cost for love understands that there is a cost in giving. However love also knows that life flows when you give. Life becomes stale and putrid in an atmosphere of negativity or unlove. Love is the attitude that makes the world go round. All other emotions and attitudes cause love to be dampened. God is love and in Him love will thrive. He is the Alpha and Omega. Man finds himself in Him. In His Spirit is life and His Spirit sows love. Walk in His Spirit and love will flow automatically. Whichever Spirit possesses you will control you.

1 comment:

Milo said...

Praise Jesus! Lord is so amazing and so beautiful. I am the way I am and I am just right in the eyes of my Holy Father. nothing else matters and the entire universe could throw a stone and judge me for the way I am...