Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Heaven on earth is when peace is experienced on earth as it is in heaven. The Lord’s prayer finishes with your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God’s will in heaven is for love and peace to prevail, so we should expect the same on earth. There is no illness or disease in heaven. We should expect this on earth as we implement His will on earth. Therefore whatever is in heaven is possible on earth when His people will it. God wills it and so it is up to us now to will it. When we do not will God’s will, then Satan will impress his will on us. Today go out and implement God’s will and see how love and peace will prevail on earth as it is in heaven. The heavenly mind set is what is required to operate on earth as it is in heaven. I have His mind set because I am seated in heavenly places with Christ. My feet are on the earth and therefore only I can implement His will on earth. When I catch this vision then my whole talk and walk will be heavenly. Come Holy Spirit and burn this message into me.

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