Sunday, December 19, 2010


God is good and all my desires are fulfilled in Him. The flesh always thinks of self and no one else. In God you are always thinking of others and their need. A conversion from a self centred gospel to a Christ centred gospel will usher in revival. Christ came for the sinner and not for the saint. It is sinners that need a Saviour and not the righteous. Therefore when you find yourself going inward, go outward and see the need around you. The needs around you should keep you alive and vibrant. Death comes in when you go inward. The flesh always drives you inward for it is self seeking. Go out and you will see that there is so much need and there is so much to give. Your soul becomes fulfilled as you give so that others can rejoice. Christ came to fulfil the mission to save those who are lost that many may enjoy His freedom and eternal life. He has come that you may have life and that abundantly. Therefore reach out to others and see how your life will take a different path and you will attract abundance to you. The key to abundance is to reach out and bless others. All your needs are met in Christ and so all you have to do is to reach out and give out.

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