Sunday, December 05, 2010


Beauty is in the heart and not in the body. The body is a reflection of what is in the heart. A heart full of love will attract love. A heart full of lust will attract lust. The body displays what is in the heart. A lustful heart will reflect a lustful body. You attract what you are attracted to. If you are attracted to holiness then this is what will come to you. This is a law that never disappoints. Therefore desire the things that you want to attract. The whole universe revolves around this key law of attraction. When you are filled with God’s word then His word will attract His riches into you. The attraction for wealth is similarly based on this concept of attraction. When you imagine wealth and riches then this is what you attract to yourself. You can amass a lot of wealth but be poor. Riches are different from wealth. Wealth is the material component while riches are the spiritual component. You can have riches without having wealth. Therefore dwell on those things that attract riches and your life will be rich with the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God looks beyond the immediate rewards. It sows seeds that are eternal. Eternal seeds produce eternal fruit. Dwell on those things of eternal value and the things of this world will lose all attraction.

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