Thursday, December 09, 2010


Praise God who sends his angels to minister to you. People are touched in many ways and they respond in many ways. Your role is to reach out and touch others in His Name. When you touch others then He touches them through you. Imagine how many souls are touched through you as you touch others. Touch is a powerful vehicle of transference. Jesus touched people and they received part of Him. God touches you and you then transfer His touch to others. This is how healing occurs. When you believe that you are His touch and eyes and ears then you too will touch, so God can touch others through you. Now reach out and stretch forth your hands and touch others. Children will feel your touch and His peace will fill them. They need His peace and His love and all the fruits of the Spirit can be transmitted through touch. Today I anoint your hands with my hands and you will find that whatever you touch will receive His anointing. Believe this and see His works as He touches others through you.

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