Wednesday, December 29, 2010


How good is the Lord and how precious are His words. I will rejoice in the Lord and His ways. His words will enable you to control your emotions. Many are the thoughts and feelings you will experience each day but when the Lord is in control then nothing can upset you. Everything is committed to the Lord. Full surrender to Him leads to full possession by Him. Now he who touches you will be judged by the Lord. It is a fiery business with the Lord. He burns up all the dross. There is no space for negative thinking as all that is of the flesh will be burnt up. Holiness will abide in the temple of the Lord. He is holy and He resides in you. You are the temple of the Lord. You are the church and His church is His bride for whom He is coming for. So prepare yourself for His coming is soon. Everything else will burn and disappear but those washed in the blood will remain. So be watchful and pray and do not give into the evil one. He is a defeated foe and will find his rest in hell.

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