Saturday, December 04, 2010


Jesus is Lord of all. His Holy Spirit lives in you to enable you to live a life of total freedom. This freedom is in the spirit and not a soulish freedom that the world promises. To be free from your fleshy desires can be achieved in the flesh. But true freedom is only achieved in the spirit. How can Satan dispel himself? This is what you do when you try and deal with the flesh with fleshly tools. In the spirit you enter a higher dimension which enables you to defeat the flesh from a superior position in Christ. You are now seated in heavenly places and rule from there. You can overcome any bodily and soulish ailment from your position in Christ in the spirit. This is the victory Christ promises and He overcame the flesh through His death on the Cross. All you need to do now is to receive this by faith. In Him you are a new creation. The old has passed and the new has come. Redeemed in His blood you are now free to be what you were created to be. It is in calling you into His Kingdom of life that results in renewal of all systems. You are working with your whole being and not just the parts. Each part affects the whole. Therefore when you work through the Spirit your whole being is affected, spirit, mind and body. Hallelujah, I am saved to be what I was called to be.

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