Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Trust in the Lord and not in your own ability. He watches over you and cares for you. The weather may change but the Lord is Lord of the weather. He allowed the floods and He was in the floods. He allowed the crucifixion of Jesus and He was there. He allowed the massacre of millions and He was there. He is God and He is everywhere. Knowing this you can be confident that He is with you everywhere. The storms will come and go and so will the earthquakes and tsunamis. He is above all these natural disasters. These changes show that man is vulnerable and has no answer to these changes. This is why he cannot trust his own abilities. Only God can be Lord and the sooner man realises this, the sooner he will be saved from himself. The lack of dependence on God leads to evils. Evil’s head is bound with pride. Pride always ends up in destruction. Pray that this destruction will turn the hearts of the people to God. Then revival will break out in Australia.

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