Sunday, January 16, 2011


Helpless and hopeless you may feel but the Lord comes and rescues you. He is always there and when you feel helpless and hopeless then He comes to help and give you hope. Always know that He comes with healing and hope when all is against you. Never despair for Christ in you is your hope of glory. In this world you will face negativity but in Him you will overcome. He will never let you down. So see negative situations as an opportunity to prove the power of God to save. Every negative situation is an opportunity waiting to be reversed. Jesus came to reverse the negative power of sin. Now when sin appears to be winning see the positive power of God working to reverse its effects. When you pray in the spirit you are doing just that. The Spirit works through your spirit to cancel the effects of sin. Floods, fires and dangers will come but He is in them all. He is in them because He came to reverse them. He bore all our sins on His own body on the tree that we maybe saved. He became sin for us so that we maybe set free. Now all you need to do is avail of His salvation and be set free. Now you need to walk in it and see the enemy being trampled under your feet.

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