Wednesday, January 05, 2011


God can change your situation in an instant. It just takes a change in mind set to bring about a miracle. A miracle working God works miracles through His rhema word. His word comes as a thought and when spoken in faith delivers the miracle. His said word becomes His saying word. This is why you need to be filled with His word. His word becomes a now word when received by faith. In an instant a situation is changed. Many are bound by their own words of unbelief. These words they speak to themselves all day and they are not even conscious of it. Listen to the words that you say to yourself. Those negative and fear filled words need to be replaced by faith filled and positive words of His power. His power is released through His spoken word. Speak His word to yourself continuously and see your life change according to His word. Mary prayed be it unto me according to your word. So also new life comes forth as you live by His word. Today is the day to begin and see your life change according to His word.

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