Sunday, January 30, 2011


Your destiny is assured in Him because He knows the end from the beginning. He knows everything including the choices you will make. You know the end too because you know how it will all end in victory. His resurrection assures you of an end that promises everlasting life. Now you can let go of all your cares for you are in His hands. All you need to do now is live each moment in His love. The flesh knows only the past and the present. He knows the future and the future is bright. Therefore whatever happens, you know you will win because He has said, it is finished. He did it all on the Cross. He purchased all for you and this is why the Cross is central to your life. What it signifies is more then what is seen. In the unseen, He has through the Cross purchased your salvation. There is nothing more or less that you can do because all has been done for you. Now all you need to do is enjoy it. His hands have led you this far and the rest of the journey is going to be pure joy. Joy because you will live your life in the knowledge that you are a winner. Despite all that happens around you, you have the pearl of great prize within you. You carry Him within you for eternity. What more can you ask. Now all that is left is to manifest His life through you by surrendering all to Him.

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