Monday, January 17, 2011


Precious are the thoughts that the Lord sows into you as you pray and wait for Him. He will cover you as you pray and look to Him. He is your protector. He is your hope and everlasting joy. He watches over you. Day and night He watches and looks after you. Every breath you take is ordered by Him. He loves to commune with you. He will always be there for you. When the going gets tough He will be with you. He is with you always even when you don’t feel Him. All you need to do is to trust Him. Place all your cares on Him for He cares for you. Your attitude will change as you trust in Him. Jesus came to show forth the attitudes that will determine your progress. Attitude is everything. A negative attitude will attract negativity. A loving attitude will attract love. Therefore check your attitude always. Your attitude will determine your thoughts. It is not feelings but attitude that determines your walk and talk. Wrong attitudes will breed chaos and wrong actions. Therefore start each day with the right attitude.

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