Friday, January 28, 2011


Perfect are His ways and He will lead those who call upon Him. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Therefore I will meditate on His words all the days of my life. He is my armour bearer and he protects me from all the assaults of the enemy. The Lord is my Shepherd and I will not want. He comforts me and leads me beside quiet waters. He is my strength and His banner over me is love. He leads me because He loves me. He sows His thoughts into me so that I can be nourished. When you seek the Lord in all your ways then you will know His guidance in your life. He loves those who seek His face. God loves to communicate through His people. You can sure that He will give you what you need when you need it. This is how Jesus lived His life always dependent on the Father for everything. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is above all and all the riches in the world cannot buy His love. He gives His love freely and money cannot buy it.

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