Saturday, January 29, 2011


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Reaching out to others is a sure way of blessing your self. Many are caught in the trap of waiting for others. You will wait forever. It is in reaching out to others that will free others to reach out to you. If you need love then love others. Giving is the only way to start the chain of receiving. What ever you need, start to give away first. In this way you prime the pump and start the flow. God gave His Son and this changed history. Blessings flow as you bless others with your love and goods. This is how the world turns round. This is why only love will do in the end. Hate will breed hate. The principle is the same, you will reap what you sow. Therefore in any area of lack sow what is needed and you will reap a harvest in time. Withholding never works because a folded hand never gives and remains empty. An outstretched hand reaches out and touches others and creates a response. It is like a pack of cards that results in a crescendo of giving. It starts with one move and a domino effect is the result. Never restrain or restrict, for you will only limit what you will receive. Give and it will be given to you abundantly, press down and overflowing.

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