Thursday, January 06, 2011


God sends His thoughts for a purpose. He knows what you need when you need it. He comes at the right time so depending on Him enables you to look to Him for the answers. His answers come like a revelation that lightens your mind. It will be like a light bulb that suddenly lights up and you know that you know that you know. This knowing is what will cause the rising intimacy with Him. He is Lord and there is no other. Therefore stop looking for something else and concentrate on developing your relationship with Him. He comes through in different forms for all are His creation. It is difficult to imagine that the locusts and snakes are His creation too. Yes they are and they all have a purpose. One learns from them. Wild things can be tamed. Sin can be cancelled. Fear pervades all creation since the fall. What was blameless now is tarnished by sin. Sin manifests itself in different ways. Being washed continuously in His blood keeps you cleansed from the pollution within and without. Without the blood the stain of sin will continue to bother you. In His blood you are as white as snow. The only valid detergent for sin is His blood. No penance or crucifixion can avail for His death has done it all. Praise His wonderful Name.

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