Tuesday, January 04, 2011


When you enter the state of the supernatural everything real becomes an illusion. This is why death and disease don’t have any real existence. They become like illusions that can be changed. What is real cannot be changed. Illusions can be changed by changing your perception. Pain is a perception. Once you change your perception, the pain disappears. When you realise this then you enter the realm of the impossible becoming possible. Praying in tongues enables you to enter into the realm of the supernatural. Minister to others from this realm and see miracles happening around you. Miracles happen when what appears real transforms into something else. A diseased hand becomes whole, a dead body comes alive, water is turned into wine. These happen as you enter the supernatural and transmute what was to what is. Those who have experienced this realm can see it happen again and again. This means that there is another world that envelopes this world. If you limit yourself to this world then all you see is real. When you realise that this world is just a small part of the real then change is possible. Anything is possible when you enter the supernatural realm and tap into the riches of it.

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