Saturday, January 22, 2011


How good is the Lord and His promises are yes and amen. When you act on His promises as if they are real and has happened then you will find the treasures you are looking for. Within each of His promises are hidden the riches untold which you can unlock by faith. Faith is trusting God to fulfil His promises. Where there is perfect trust there will be abundance. If you trust in God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, then you know you have what He has. Gosh imagine that you have all that the Father has. You are a rich man in Him. This is what the Father wants each of His children to know. Once you realise this, then there is no limit to what you can achieve through Him. Many live in poverty because they don’t know the Father. It is like sitting on a treasure all your life and never enjoying its benefits due to ignorance. How blind and deaf is this generation that seeks its own wealth then the wealth that the Father has in store for them. Your true wealth is in knowing that you belong to Him. Jesus knew His Father and waited on Him and did what He saw His Father doing. How blessed to be called the children of God.

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