Sunday, January 02, 2011


Press into the favour of God. He is your Provider and Sustainer. In Him you can trust for anything. He owns the sheep on a thousand hills. How rich is He? You belong to Him and He knows what you need when you need it. When you are about His business then He will provide. All He needs is your trust. Faith is trust in action. Your faith links with His abundance and releases His promises to you. His promises are not just words but substance. This is why faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for. Substance is tangible and not just an illusion. It may seem an illusion till you can see it and feel it. When faith arises in you to believe then it transforms into substance. When you believe in healing then your faith taps into His healing power and transforms your disease into wholeness. What a power house of faith you have within you to transform what isn’t into what is.

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