Saturday, January 08, 2011


Love is the greatest key to make the world go round. Nothing speaks louder then self sacrificial love. No one can argue with love for it is egoless. All conflicts are ego based. It has to do with me and me alone being challenged. Road rages are a perfect example of the ego being transgressed. The ego is a hard task master. It will demand its way at all costs. The extreme form of it is in the form of dictatorship. It is power crazy and will do whatever it can to abuse and use others. Satan was full of it. It is the mark of a person who has let pride get to him. This comes in many forms. It is based on love for self and no other. Such people are isolated and surround themselves with toys to comfort them and protect them. They live a sheltered life and know nothing of poverty or discomfort. However their soul is seeking for comfort but they can’t find it because they are bound by their own blindness. They are blind to the true riches which are not of this world. Love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is what is yours in Christ. You can enjoy this at all times. A person who truly loves has the world at its feet.

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