Friday, January 07, 2011


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own righteousness. His righteousness is like filthy rags. God imputes His righteousness because of the blood shed on Calvary. This is a marvellous work beyond human comprehension. His ways are beyond the ways of man. Man thinks in a different dimension from God. God is above all the worlds He has created. Man lives in a world within worlds. Therefore his understanding is limited. Lord I thank you for the blood shed at Calvary for my sins. This alone humbles me to give all to you so I may attain all you have planned for me. It only takes a moment to shift your attention from one world to another. When you are filled in the spirit you have access to God and His wisdom. In Him I can overcome all weaknesses because He is my strength. I have come to the place where I recognise that all these earthly pleasures are like dung compared to His manifold goodness. I will seek Him with all my heart and in Him will I gladly trust for my salvation.

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